Project Title Contribution to the Biodiversity and Enhancement of Regional Cooperation in the Pelagonija/Prespa-Ohrid Trans-Boundary Region
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

1st call for proposals

Measure 1.2 Sustainable environment development
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Regional Development Agency – PREDA, MK
Sector of intervention: Environmental protection
Action location/s AL – Korce

MK – Bitola, Resen

Project aim & Objective: The goal of this project is to increase the general awareness of the natural values of national parks Galicica, Pelister and Prespa, and to promote these national parks as future tourist destinations.
Results: The project customized the national parks’ promotional material in accordance with visitor profiles, distribute the promotional material to a wide range of customer service providers, improve the connectivity between the national parks, as well as between development agencies, and create a cooperation platform for customer service providers in the region
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 7 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 42,819.00