“Past. Tradition. Future. The Way We Interact” was the title of the 7th celebration of the European Territorial Cooperation Day, which took place on October 21, 2021 at the Main Pedestrian Street in Korça, Albania.
This visibility event was organized by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in Albania in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Self-Government in North Macedonia, as the operation structures responsible for the implementation of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Albania, supported by the JTS of the programme.
The event involved a mix of activities such as EU Ambassadors exchange conversation with journalists from both countries, greeting speeches by high officials, traditional dances, gastronomy, handcrafts, fashion, presentation of the projects under implementation all together.
This event united more than 150 participants from various profiles professionals in the field of tourism, representatives of the NGO sector, local government, business sector, artisans from both countries, as well as
Over 150 participants were united from different profiles such as professionals in the field of tourism, representatives of civil society organizations, local government, business sector, artisans/craftsmen, representatives from the media, young artists and fashion designers from the Faculties of Arts from both countries.
The main focus was the identification of opportunities for tourism development, promotion of cooperation in the cross-border area between North Macedonia and Albania, to show concrete examples of collaboration between people, as well as promoting the results of the projects under implementation following the 2nd call of this CBC programme.
The celebration day had started with the Ambassadors from the EU Delegations exchanging and have conversation with journalists from both countries
High officials representing both Ministries, Ambassadors from Delegations of the EU and the Mayor of the Municipality of Korça greeted the guests at the event.
The projects from the 2nd Call under implementation in order to illustrate the synergy of the regional cooperation so far, presented and promoted the achieved results through videos and statements and showcased how they are supporting local communities in this area.
As part of the activities was the official visiting from EU Ambassadors representatives of both Ministries and Mayor of Korça to the projects: “Innovative practices for environmental protection” and “Flood prevention for environment protection” implemented in the region of Korça under this CBC Programme.
At the event students from Fashion Faculties from Tirana and Skopje made traditional dresses from the past in new modern versions.
Additionally, the visitors enjoyed the traditional folklore groups with youngsters, played local music as well as witnessed the cross-border fairs of artisans and gastronomes from both countries who presented their products, promoting the programme area and interacting with each other, while the locals enjoyed the gastronomy and indulged in the handcrafts.
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