Within the framework of the IPA II CBC Programme North Macedonia – Albania 2014-2020,the Operating Structures (Ministry of Local Self Government in the Republic of North Macedonia and the State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination in the Republic of Albania) in cooperation with the Delegation of European Union (DEU) in North Macedonia and the Cross-Border Institution Building project (CBIB +3) and the Joint Technical Secretariat, organized a two-day training “Contract Award Procedures under CBC grant contracts (PRAG 2021)” with the CBC grantees under the 3rdCall for Proposalsof this Programme via online, on 13 and 14 of April, 2022, in order to Enhanced knowledge and practical skills of grant beneficiaries to implement contract award procedures in line with the provisions of their CBC grant contracts.
This training is the second one of the series of trainings organized by the EUDs, OSs, and JTS to support the implementation of the grants under this CfPs. The aim of the training/workshop was to support the grant beneficiaries in the implementation of the awarded grants to proper implement their projects and ensure effectiveness of project activities and results.
Topics such as types of procurements under CBC grant contracts, fundamental principles of procurement procedures, general rules and specific advice, contract award procedures for supplies, service and works (steps, award criteria, documents, technical specifications, timeframe), single tender procedure, evaluation of tenders, practical exercises, etc, had been tackled and discussed among the participants.
The training contributed on Improving knowledge of the grant beneficiaries about the fundamental principles of procurement procedures under CBC grant contracts, furthering knowledge on specific provisions related to procurement of supplies, works and services and enhancing practical skills for preparation, implementation and evaluation of tenders according the Annex IV of grant contract (PRAG 2021)
This 2-day training was attended by 28 participants representing6 grantees, together with the DEU, OSs CBIB +3, and JTS experts.
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