Branding: Paving the Path for Promoting & Protecting Local Products in CB Region

Project Title Branding: Paving the Path for Promoting & Protecting Local Products in CB Region
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.1 Economic development
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Center for Sustainable Development ALKA, MK

Lead Partner: Institute for Democracy and Mediation, AL

Partners: Agritra-vizion Centre Dibra, AL;

Youth Ecologic Center “Rekanski Biser” – Rostuse, MK

Sector of intervention: Promotion of regional products branding.
Action location/s AL–Dibra Region

MK–Polog Region

Project aim & Objective: Implemented planning and management framework for the process of branding and preserving local products in the CBC regions; Enhanced capacities of the target CBC regions to manage the process of product branding; Established cross-border cooperation and coordination of CBC channels related to promotion of regional products.
Results: Developed and Enhanced cooperation and experience exchanged between the two CBC regions related to product branding; Increased awareness on EU and national regulations, local potentials and resources to be utilized for initiating products branding; Enhanced capacities, performance and “know-how” of the concerned stockholders on regional branding and respective CBC cooperation.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 15 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 96,413.25
Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 88,761.00

Empowerment of women in touristic areas through handcrafting production

Project Title Empowerment of women in touristic areas through handcrafting production
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.1 Economic development
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Association for Women with Social Problem, AL

Lead Partner: Women Association “Aureola”, MK

Partners: Korca Regional Council and administration, AL;

Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, AL;

“Une Gruaja” Association, AL;

Albanian Office of Tourist Services, AL;

Prefecture of Struga, MK

Sector of intervention: Tourism, cultural-natural heritage. Employment. Business promotion. Vulnerable groups.


Action location/s AL– Region of Korca

MK –Region of Struga

Project aim & Objective: Contribution to the promotion of sustainable economic growth and attractiveness of the CB area. Enhanced capacities and CBC among local stakeholders and institutions in managing and programming regional cultural tourism development, increased role of cultural heritage in social and economic development, raised awareness about regional cultural assets through structured and professional information dissemination and socio-cultural activities targeting internal and external audiences, markets and customers, strengthened capacities of local artisans to reach international and tourism markets through with a particular inclusion of woman from the cross border region.
Results: Regional Strategy for Cultural Marketing of Korca Region (Bucimas and Voskopoje) and the one of Struga; Promotional materials; Regional Touristic Guide; Artisan incubators established; Three cross regional fairs delivered; Three mini artisan fairs delivered; Workshops, round tables and training session delivered.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 18 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 83,470.00
Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 113,838.00

Social inclusion of persons who served prison sentence

Project Title Social inclusion of persons who served prison sentence
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.3 Social cohesion
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Center for Civic Initiative, MK

Lead Partner: Rehabilitation Center for victims of trauma & torture AL

Sector of intervention: Social inclusion
Action location/s AL – Region of Korca

MK–Pelagonija Region

Project aim & Objective: Cross border cooperation established between institutions – prisons and human rights NGOs in favor of partnerships for quality reintegration of prisoners as one of the priorities for EU accession.
Results: Trainings, round table on human rights and mental health in Prison; promotional materials; Comparative Analysis on the Regional recommendations for reintegration of prisoners; study visits, etc.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 12 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 27,534.99
Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 44,614.50

Strengthening Education and Training Capacity on Natural Resource Conservation in Ohrid – Prespa Basins (Build TRACA)

Project Title Strengthening Education and Training Capacity on Natural Resource Conservation in Ohrid – Prespa Basins (Build TRACA)
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.2 Sustainable environmental development


Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Research Centre for Rural Development, AL

Lead Partner: The Union of Ecologist Natyra, MK

Partners: Programi Kombetar i Qendrave Rinore, AL;

“Kadmi & Harmonia”, AL; “Krste Jon”, MK

Sector of intervention: Environmental protection and education. Natural resources
Action location/s AL – Pogradec, Librazhd

MK – Struga, Ohrid

Project aim & Objective: Improve environmental education capacity by raising competence levels on both sides of the border, encourage knowledge transfer by establishing networks among the local government authorities, academics, training institutions and NGO’s. Protected Area Management, Natural resources Management and Tourism Management.
Results: Eco camps organized; book of “good practices” in tourism, National Park Administration, and Natural Resources Management is being prepared for administrators of Tourism, Parks and other Natural Resources; a book with four courses on Environment Education, Protected Area Management, Natural resources Management and Tourism Management is being prepared based on the courses developed by international experts.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 18 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 121,519.96
Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 147,236.00

Enable new forms of services for children with autism spectrum disorders

Project Title Enable new forms of services for children with autism spectrum disorders
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.3 Social cohesion
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Hope and Homes, AL


Sector of intervention: Social inclusion of vulnerable groups
Action location/s AL – Municipality of Elbasan


Project aim & Objective: Cross-border cooperation to enable new forms of services for children with autism spectrum disorders in the region, through exchange development practices for this target, their families and societies they are living in.
Results: Situation Analysis Report on Children with Autistic   Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – the case of Elbasan city; Study report; Booklet; e-forums in the social networks; regional Conference titled “Children with ASD in the city of Elbasan”; promotional materials.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 12 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 52,750.00

Strengthening the SME Sector in the cross-border region

Project Title Strengthening the SME Sector in the cross-border region
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.1 Economic development


Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Regional Development Agency Korca, AL

Lead Partner: Foundation for SME development Regional Enterprises Support Centre Bitola, MK

Sector of intervention: Employment Competitiveness, capacity building of the SME from the tourism sector.
Action location/s AL – Korca

MK –Southwest and Pelagonija

Project aim & Objective: Increasing the competitiveness and capacity building of the enterprises from the tourism sector; Reducing the unemployment rate of the younger population in the cross-border regions; Strengthening the institutional infrastructure; Establishment of public-private dialogue for improving the local economic development.
Results: interviews conducted; summary and final reports; trainings for SMEs, and consultants; modules for unemployed persons organize; B2U match making events; reduction of the unemployment rate; study tour to AL and MK; SMEs in AL and BSO network visited; policy documents; fair organized; people visited the fair.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 18 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 114.188,50
Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 88,761.00

Cross border cooperation for Improvement of VET

Project Title Cross border cooperation for Improvement of VET
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.3 Social cohesion
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Educational Centre Elbasan, AL

Lead Partner: Centre for Sustainability & Advance Education, MK

Sector of intervention: Vocational educational.
Action location/s AL – Elbasan, Korca, Pogradec

MK – Ohrid, Bitola

Project aim & Objective: Improvement of VET through cross border cooperation between neighbouring regions of AL and MK. Improve links between schools and business, curricula’s, twinning between schools with cooperation with business and national agencies in the fields of ICT.
Results: Round tables with VET school managers, local institutions, etc; study visits; promotional materials; Studies of actual situation of the VET and labour market and recommendation for the future of VET.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 12 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 27,534.99
Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 44,614.50

Dibra Region Environment Promotion Project (DREPP)

Project Title Dibra Region Environment Promotion Project (DREPP)
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.2 Sustainable environment development
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: Democratic Integration and Development Center, AL

Lead Partner: Centre for Sustainable Community Development, Debar, MK

Sector of intervention: Environmental protection and education. Natural resources
Action location/s AL – Dibra Region; Districts of Dibra, Burrel, Bulqize

MK – Southwest Region, Commune of Dibra

Project aim & Objective: Improve environmental education capacity by raising competence levels on both sides of the border, encourage knowledge transfer by establishing networks among the local government authorities, academics, training institutions and NGO’s. Protected Area Management, Natural resources Management and Tourism Management.
Results: Environmental infrastructure in the CB area improved and better protected from land erosion and beautified as a result of planting trees on each side of the border. Capacities of local stakeholders on environmental issues increased. Needs of local stakeholders assessed through Needs Assessment Survey.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 18 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 90,311.00
Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in AL: € 123,893.70

Cross-border water resource management

Project Title Cross-border water resource management
Type of Contract/Category Grant contract
IPA Component


IPA 1 (2007-2013), Cross border Cooperation Programme: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania

2nd call for proposals

Measure 1.2 Sustainable environment development
Functional Lead Partner, Lead partner and partners Functional Lead Partner: REC – Country Office for MK
Sector of intervention: Environmental protection and education. Natural resources
Action location/s AL – Municipality of Peshkopi

MK – Municipality of Dibra

Project aim & Objective: This project recognizes needs expressed by representatives of municipalities and local stakeholders for further development of environmental planning, efficient public participation in decision-making, facilitating environmental investments and improving environmental resource management. Project would open channels of communication and improve cooperation across national borders and among different ethnic groups in MK and AL.
Results: With the procurement of the SCADA equipment water supply systems efficiency was improved, capacities in the Municipalities and Public Communal Enterprises were strengthened and capacity of the stakeholders in the basin for Integrated Water Resource Management Planning was enhanced.
Facts & Figures The key facts & figures relevant to the project:

Project duration: 18 months

Total Project Budget for the grant beneficiary in MK: € 196,556.25