Development and implementation of a smart and sustainable integrated forest fire management system in the cross-border area (DISSIWMS)
Project Title | Development and implementation of a smart and sustainable integrated forest fire management system in the cross-border area (DISSIWMS) |
Type of Contract/Category | Grant contract |
IPA Component/ (national or regional) Programming year | Development and implementation of a smart and sustainable integrated forest fire management system in the cross-border area (DISSIWMS) |
Lead applicant and co-applicants | Lead applicant: Protection and Rescue Directorate (PRD) Co-applicants: – Municipality of Struga – Municipality of Librazhd |
Context/background | The Protection and Rescue Directorate (PRD) and the Municipality of Struga in Republic of Northern Macedonia and the municipality of Librazhd in Albania, will be the key actors in the project. |
Abstract (short project summary) | The state of firefighting concept remines modest and obsolete in both countries .The lessons learned show that the absence of capacity building and technical facilities (e.g., fire protection, early warning, IT-based warning and command systems, local crisis management and/or command posts for coordination with state level structures, simulation facilities for training purposes) are the main weaknesses. Without fire management system appropriate to the present needs, new trends and innovative technologies, the public information campaigns remain the only means of fire prevention. Disasters, i.e., wildfires largely contribute to increasing negative macroeconomic impacts and pose a threat to economic growth. With supporting measures implemented, the fires’ hazardous impact would limit and decrease potential financial, fiscal, economic and human losses. |
Final beneficiary | – Local population – Local communities for collection of non-timber forest products (NTFP) – Public authorities and development agencies dealing with environmental management, – Civil Society Organization, Voluntary Firefighting associations, Young scout associations, Speleological |
Action location/s | Cross border area between North Macedonia and Albania; Municipality Struga and Municipality Librazhd. |
Objectives | Overall Objective: O develop a joint smart and innovative management system for cross[1]border environment protection, monitoring and early risk recognition and prevention from wildfires will be . Specific Objective: The specific objectives are fitted to jointly implement the innovative means, technologies and methods,or-made to intercept and suppress frequent and extreme wildfires, such as better and more advanced stems, techniques, models, solutions and capabilities for early detection, monitoring, targeting and suppression of wildfires |
Activities |
Preparing training materials for volunteers, professional fire fighters and foresters and training conduction and guidelines for community-based landscape fire management.
Developing software, adaptation or configuration of IT services, radio link connections between multifunctional systems and fire station, control centers and other stakeholders. |
Impact/Output/Result | Impact: Establish effective cross-border cooperation between co-applicants for monitoring and early detection of risk and prevention of forest fires, through joint training and installation of joint smart and innovative systems.
Results: Establishment of a Joint Fire Risk Management Headquarters, specialized preliminary training (a total of 10 trainings for firefighting units, volunteers, local organizations and the business community) and advanced technology will provide benefits in several respects: enhanced technology, timely response to forest fires regardless of weather conditions and fire damage will be limited. |
Facts & Figures | The key facts & figures relevant to the project:
EU contribution percentage: 83,70% |
Final useful footnotes | For more information: Contact: Email: ; Tel: ++ 389 02 2 433 384, 72246053,. Fax: ++ 389 02 2 433 300 |