Flood prevention for environment protection
Project Title | Flood prevention for environment protection |
Type of Contract/Category | Grant contract |
IPA Component/ (national or regional) Programming year | IPA 2, Cross border cooepration: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania, allocations 2016-2017 |
Lead applicant and co-applicants | Association Center for Civic Initiative (CCI) Destination Management Organization (DMO) Municipality of Mogila Municipality of Maliq |
Context/background | The action is developed to take place in the cross-border region targeting Pelagonija region and Korca region, in particular Municipality of Mogila and Municipality of Maliq, having cross-border impact on public infrastructure vulnerable to floods. Both of the countries, and in particular the regions of Pelagonija and Korca are exposed to various types of natural hazards, including earthquakes, wild fires, floods, droughts, extreme temperatures, landslides. Earthquakes pose largest risk in terms of consequences – damages and human losses. Wildfires are a most frequent risk, and floods are on the rise in terms of frequency and intensity. The number and intensity of floods in the countries/regions are rising. Usual period for their appearances is in the colder part of the year (November – January). Most of the floods are caused by the overflow of the major rivers. The targeted countries river basins are facing increased spatial and temporal variability of water resources which is among the key natural factors increasing the flooding risk, besides topographic and land characteristics, and a relatively dense hydro graphic network in the most affected regions. In addition, the changes in the land-use/land cover structure are further modifying hydrological regimes, increasing the risk of extreme hydrological events. Additionally, the local authorities as partners of the action will enable local ownership of the action, as they will participate in the development of the flood mitigation measures and further maintenance of the developed infrastructure after the finishing of the project. |
Abstract (short project summary) | The activities in the project have been developed as to address all the needs and constraints of the target groups, initially the process of improvement of the public infrastructure will address the need of the local authorities to implement their responsibilities for the construction and maintenance of secondary and tertiary irrigation and drainage networks. At the same time through the development of the digital platform the local authorities and all relevant stakeholders will improve the system for early warning enabling timely protection from floods or other natural disasters. The systems for protection of the agricultural lands and livelihoods will be supported by the development of joint risk management measures having impact on all of the inhabitants in the area, where all the target groups will be included in the development of the joint risk management measures. With the awareness rising of the agro producers for flood management we will have impact on the total population in the targeted areas and in particular the 12000 agro producers will be directly reached by the awareness rising activities giving the specific knowledge to the population and agro producers for inclusion in the protection and prevention measures implementation. |
Final beneficiary | 70 000 general population of Municipality of Mogila and Maliq |
Action location/s | Municipality of Mogila and Municipality of Maliq |
Objectives | <Overall objective(s)> strengthen resilience and disaster risk preparedness and prevention of floods for protection of the environment <Specific objective(s)>
To increase the awareness of the agro producers for the importance of flood management in the protection of the environment, agricultural lands and livelihoods |
Activities | Coordination, management and visibility Coordination meetings, website, kick off and close out conference Public Infrastructure 1.1. Building of drainage canals in Municipality of Mogila and Municipality of Maliq 1.2. Establishment of digital platform for early warning of floods
Cross border cooperation for floods protection and management 2.1. Preparation of local action plans for risk management and flood protection and management 2.2. Strengthening of the capacities of the flood management sectors in terms of cooperation, planning and management of the flood mitigation measures 2.3. Establishment of cross border partnership for exchange of experiences and development of joint risk management measures
Awareness rising of the agro producers for flood management 2.1. Specialised trainings for flood management for the agro producers 2.2. Community forums for inclusion of the community in the flood prevention and management 2.3.Exchange of experiences between the agro produces from both municipalities |
Impact/Output/Result | Impact: Strengthen resilience and disaster risk preparedness and prevention of floods for protection of the environment I) The process of improvement of the public infrastructure as to ensure the protection of agricultural lands and livelihoods where we will have impact on 252,2 km2 in Mogila municipality targeting 6710 inhabitants and 656.34 km2 in Maliq Municipality targeting 62666 inhabitants. We will have as outcome (R1) Public infrastructure vulnerable to floods has been improved as to ensure protection of agricultural lands and livelihoods where total agricultural area protected from floods – 50000 ha and 12000 of agro producers ready to use the digital platform for early warning for floods. This will produce the following outputs: construction of drainage canals in both of the municipalities in length of 6 km, and developed 2 digital platforms for early warning of floods and weather changes. The systems for protection of the agricultural lands and livelihoods will be supported by the development of joint risk management measures having impact on all of the inhabitants in the area with the outcome (R2): Local authorities have developed joint risk management measures for protection of floods in the region having the following outputs: 2 local action plans developed and operationalized and 1 joint risk management plan in the cross border area included in the routine of relevant bodies. With the awareness rising of the agro producers for flood management we will have impact on the total population in the targeted areas and in particular the 12000 agro producers will be directly reached by the awareness rising activities having as outcome: R3 – The agro producers are aware and ready to be included in the flood management and protection system. The following outputs will be produced: 2 specialised trainings for the agro producers for flood management, 6 community forums for inclusion of the community in the flood prevention and management, 2 exchange visits among the agro producers in the cross border region organized. |
Facts & Figures |
The key facts & figures relevant to the project:
Final useful footnotes | Include at the bottom of the page the statement For more information: followed by an appropriate web address and contact details |