Hapja e Thirrjes së Parë për Propozime – Programi IPA III CBC MK-AL

  Tani është zyrtarisht e hapur thirrja e parë për propozime në kuadër të Programit për Bashkëpunim Ndërkufitar IPA III midis Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Shqipërisë. Ky mundësi synon të…

Ka filluar zbatimi i Programit IPA3 për bashkëpunim ndërkufitar ndërmjet Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Shqipërisë

Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale nga Maqedonia e Veriut, Agjencia Shtetërore për Programim Strategjik dhe Koordinim të Ndihmës (SASPAC) nga Shqipëria dhe Bashkimi Evropian promovuan zyrtarisht në Ohër Programin IPA 3…

Thirrje publike për punësimin - Nënpunës për Komunikimin dhe Vizibilitetin në kuadër e Programit IPA II të Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar 2014-2020.


NJOFTIM PËR APLIKIM - 1 pozicion – Nënpunës për Komunikimin dhe Vizibilitetin në kuadër e Programit IPA II të Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar 2014-2020.

IPA II BASHKËPUNIMI NDËRKUFITAR REPUBLIKA E MAQEDONISË SË VERIUT – REPUBLIKA E SHQIPËRISË 2014 – 2020   Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale njofton: NJOFTIM PËR APLIKIM Për aplikimin e kandidatëve për…


NJOFTIM PËR APLIKIM Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale në Republikën e Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe  Agjencia Shtetërore e programit strategjik dhe koordinimit të ndihmës në Republikën e Shqipërisë  në cilësinë e…

Njoftim për angazhimin e një Oficer i Projekti së Antenës (Elbasan) për programin e Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar Republika e Maqedonisë së Veriut – Republika e Shqipërisë 2014 -2020.

IPA II BASHKËPUNIMI NDËRKUFITAR REPUBLIKA E MAQEDONISË SË VERIUT – REPUBLIKA E SHQIPËRISË 2014 – 2020 Pozicion vakant në kuadër të Programit PA BNK Maqedoni e Veriut – Shqipëri 2014-2020…

Intership / programi i praktikës në kuadër të Programit të Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar IPA II Republika e Maqedonisë së Veriut - Republika e Shqipërisë 2014-2020

NJOFTIM PËR APLIKIM   Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale në Republikën e Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Ministria për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme në Republikën e Shqipërisë, në cilësinë e strukturave…

Njoftim për angazhimin e një Eksperti për të përgatitur specifikimet teknike të tenderit për prokurimin e dy anijeve me energji diellore të cilat do të operojnë në Liqenin e Ohrit, financuar nga grante të BE-së, në kuadër të Programit IPA për Bashkëpunim

Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale në Republikën e Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Ministria për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme në Republikën e Shqipërisë, shpallin pozicionin vakant për angazhimin e Ekspertit për…

Njoftim për angazhimin e Eksperti/ësh për të përgatitur Raportin e vlerësimit të ndikimit në mjedis, për zbatimin e projekt idesë strategjike “Liqeni i Ohrit- Lidhja e dy vendeve drejt një destinacioni” në kuadër të Programit IPA për Bashkëpunim Ndërkufit

Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale në Republikën e Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Agjencia Shtetërore e Programimit Stategjik dhe Koordinimit të Ndihmës (SASPAC) në Republikën e Shqipërisë, shpallin pozicionin vakant për angazhimin…

Njoftim për angazhimin e një Eksperti për të përgatitur specifikimet teknike të tenderit për prokurimin e dy anijeve me energji diellore të cilat do të operojnë në Liqenin e Ohrit

Njoftim për angazhimin e një Eksperti për të përgatitur specifikimet teknike të tenderit për prokurimin e dy anijeve me energji diellore të cilat do të operojnë në Liqenin e Ohrit,…

Njoftim për angazhimin e një Eksperti për të përgatitur studimin e fizibilitetit për përzgjedhjen e formës ligjore të kompanisë operuese që do të punojë dy anijet me energji diellore në Liqenin e Ohrit

Njoftim për angazhimin e një Eksperti për të përgatitur studimin e fizibilitetit për përzgjedhjen e formës ligjore të kompanisë operuese që do të punojë dy anijet me energji diellore në…

Njoftim për pozicion vakant, për angazhimin e Profesorëve për udhëheqjen e studentëve në Univeritetet e Arteve

Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale në Republikën e Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Ministria për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme në Republikën e Shqipërisë, në cilësinë e strukturave zbatuese të Programit të…
Punime kërkimore në kuadër të Programit të Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar midis Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Shqipërisë për projektet e zbatuara gjatë IPA 2007-2013 dhe IPA 2014-2020 të financuara nga Bashkimi Evropian

Punime kërkimore në kuadër të Programit të Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar midis Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Shqipërisë për projektet e zbatuara gjatë IPA 2007-2013 dhe IPA 2014-2020 të financuara nga Bashkimi Evropian

Ministria e Vetëqeverisjes Lokale në Republikën e Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Ministria për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme në Republikën e Shqipërisë, në cilësinë e strukturave zbatuese të Programit të…

Announcement for engaging Expert to prepare the technical specifications

July 6, 2021

Announcement for engaging Expert to prepare the technical specifications for the tender for procurement of two solar boats that will operate in Ohrid Lake, provided by EU grants under the Cross-Border…

Announcement for engaging Expert(s) to prepare a feasibility study for the selection of the legal concept of the operating company that will operate two solar boats in Ohrid Lake – IPA CBC Programme North…

Vacancy announcement for engaging Professors for mentoring the students within the Universities of Arts (Faculties of Fashion Design) in Skopje and Tirana in the creation of traditional costumes/dresses…

The Ministry of Local-Self Government in the Republic of North Macedonia and Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Albania, as the Operating Structures of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation…

For engaging Expert/s for preparing baseline data survey to determine the baseline data of the Technical assistance for the cross-border cooperation programme Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of…

The Ministry of Local-Self Government in the Republic of North Macedonia and Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Albania, as the operating structures of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation…

On 01 December 2020, David Geer, Ambassador of the European Union in North Macedonia and Luigi Soreca, Ambassador of the European Union in Albania will officially launch the 3rd Call for Proposals for…

Info Days timetable for the 3rd CfP under the IPA CBC Programme North Macedonia and Albania has been corrected.

For the purposes of the midterm evaluation of IPA 2, the evaluation team published three surveys where the Programme beneficiaries and stakeholders contribution is crucial. Below are the 3 surveys.…

The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Albania and Ministry of Local-Self Government in the Republic of North Macedonia, as the operating structures of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation…

The 3rd Call for Proposals under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme between the Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Albania 2014-2020 is now opened

The Minister for Local Self-Government Goran Milevski had a meeting in Albania with Zef Mazi, the chief of the negotiations team for EU integration, as well as the national IPA coordinator and the Minister…

Vacancy Announcement for engaging an IT Expert/s for assessing the economy and cost-effectiveness of the 4 prepared online platforms financed under the 1st CfP of the IPA CBC programme Republic of North…

Workshop – SWOT Analysis

September 30, 2020

Workshop – SWOT Analysis

Discovering hidden attractions

September 15, 2020

Sharing the cross-border attractions with tourists – benefits for the local communities of Demir Hisar and Klos.

Progress meeting

September 2, 2020

Progress meeting JTS & the Projects.


August 7, 2020

Support to the institutions, communities and vulnerable groups affected by COVID 19


June 22, 2020

Support to the institutions, communities and vulnerable groups affected by COVID 19

The 6th celebration of the “European Territorial Cooperation Day” event titled “Creating a common future”, on 10 July 2019 in Ohrid, North Macedonia under the Cross Border Cooperation Programme between Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Albania.

The 8th meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme North Macedonia – Albania 2014-2020 held in Tushemisht, Pogradec, Albania on 13th of February, 2020

Factsheet – IPA CBC MK-AL July 2019

Induction Training for the Grant Beneficiaries under the 2nd Call for Proposals of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme North Macedonia – Albania 2014-2020 held in Tushemisht, Pogradec, Albania on…

Contract Award Procedures under CBC grant contracts (PRAG 2018) for the Grant Beneficiaries under the 2nd Call for Proposals of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme North Macedonia – Albania 2014-2020…

Anouncement for FO

February 6, 2020

The Ministry of Local-Self Government in the Republic of North Macedonia and Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Albania, as the operating structures of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation…


November 1, 2019

The Ministry of Local-Self Government in the Republic of North Macedonia and Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Albania, as the operating structures of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation…

Promotional videos

October 30, 2019

Promotional Videos

Deadline for submission of applications postponed to 1st of September 2019

Morning show on TV Telma

New promotional video

July 5, 2019

Promotional Video

Cross-border Cooperation Programme North Macedonia – Albania under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II).

Training for Potential Applicants on “How to prepare a successful application under the 2nd Call for Proposals” scheduled for 17 – 18 of December 2018 in Struga and 09 – 10 of January 2019 in Pogradec

The training will take place on 26th and 27th of November 2018 in Hotel “Karpos”, Skopje.

This video is prepared by “Lake Ohrid region – Save Destination for Adventure travel”.

1st Coordination meeting with GB, 5 June 2018, Struga

5th JMC & 6th JSC meeting, 30 August 2018, Struga

4th OSs meeting, 24 July 2018, Ohrid

Within preparation activities for the launching of the second Call for Proposals, the Joint Technical Secretariat, in cooperation with the Operating Structures of both countries (Ministry of Local Self…

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Communication and Visibility Officer, for the IPA Cross-border Cooperation programme MK – AL 2014-2020.

First regular coordination / workshops with the CBC grantees under the 1st CfP of the IPA CBC Programme Macedonia – Albania 2014 – 2020

Training plan for the grant beneficiaries: 1st Call for proposals IPA CBC Programme Republic of Macedonia – Republic of Albania 2014 -2020

Cross border crafts Fair

November 10, 2017

Тhe Ministry of Local Self-Government, Skopje, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, Tirana, the operational structures responsible for the implementation of this IPA Cross-Border Programme

Ministry of Local Self-Government, Skopje, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration – Tirana, operational structures responsible for the implementation of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program

Cross border crafts Fair

October 12, 2017

Тhe Ministry of Local Self-Government, Skopje, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, Tirana, the operational structures responsible for the implementation of this IPA Cross-Border Programme

The short videos competition (duration of maximum 60 seconds) starts on September 28, 2017 and will last until October 31, 2017. Interested participants, creating a selfie video should creatively indicate

The Ministry of Local Self-Government responsible for implementation of the IPA cross-border cooperation programme with Albania, is in process of preparation of the 1st Call for proposals of the IPA cross-border

One Press Conference in the occasion of signing ceremony of contracts 1st call for this CBC Programme was organized in Skopje on 10 February 2020 among the Minister Goran Milevski, Ministery for Local Self-Government and grant beneficiaries from North Macedonia regarding co-financing reimbursement for activities implemented in North Macedonia with the participation of High officials from DEU to North Macedonia.

In order to see the results of projects implemented by the Grant beneficiaries under the 2nd Call, on 18th of October 2021, the JMC had visited the premises of the “Multifunctional Centre” reconstructed under the project “Discovering hidden attractions” executed by the Municipality of Demir Hisar in Sloestica, Demir Hisar, North Macedonia, and the premises of the “Ancient town Heraclea Lyncestis” reconstructed under the project “SMART-CUL-TUR” applied by the Municipality of Bitola in Bitola, North Macedonia.

On 19th of October 2021, in Bitola, North Macedonia, the Joint Monitoring Committee held the 11th meeting under IPA II CBC Programme North Macedonia – Albania 2014-2020.

“Past. Tradition. Future. The Way We Interact” was the title of the 7th celebration of the European Territorial Cooperation Day, which took place on October 21, 2021 at the Main Pedestrian Street in Korça, Albania.

One webinar titled “New vs traditional media during Covid19”, organized on 23rd of April 2020 via Zoom platform, with the participation of the Communication and Visibility Officers and team of all ongoing projects under the 1st and 2nd CfPs, OSs focal points, JTS staffers and DEU Programme Manager

During 2021, the Grant Beneficiaries (GBs) had submitted quarterly data related to the
indicators through the monitoring system developed by the CBIB+.

One Press Conference in the occasion of lunching the 3rd call was organized on 1st of December 2020 with the participation of EU Ambassadors to North Macedonia H.E. David Geer and Albania H.E.

During October 2016, the Joint technical Secretariat for this IPA CBC Programme in cooperation with the OSs

In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 1st CfP, a two- day training session was organized in hotel “Drim” in Struga.

Good monitoring depends on having reliable, relevant and timely information about the activities, outputs and outcomes of your project.

In order to increase the capacities of   grant   beneficiaries   for managing projects awarded under the 1st Call for Proposals, the training on “Contract Award Procedures under CBC grant contracts (PRAG 2016) had been organized at hotel “IMPERIAL” in Elbasan on 6 and 7 of February 2018…

“1st Coordination meeting among the Grant Beneficiaries” under the 1st Call for Proposals of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme MK-AL 2014-2020″.

In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 1st Call for Proposals, the last Training on the “Reporting and communication” for the GBs under the 1st CfP under this CBC Programme was organized at Hotel “Karpos”

In view of the announcement of the 2nd CfP under this Programme, a series of info day session/partner search forums and a press conference for the PAs of the 2nd CfP have been organized after the publication of the call in both countries during December 2018. 

The info session day for the pre-selected applicants’ main goal, was to provide detailed information to potential applicants, about the rules of the second Call for Proposals under the IPA 2 Cross- Border Cooperation Programme MK-AL 2014- 2020

During December 2018 and January 2019, the Joint technical Secretariat for this IPA CBC Programme in cooperation with the OSs, organized two two-day Project Cycle Management (PCM) trainings named “How to prepare a successful project proposal under the 2nd CfP” 

In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 2nd CfP, a two- day training session was organized in Tushemisht, Pogradec, Albania. 

Contract Award Procedures under CBC grant contracts (PRAG 2018) for the
Grant Beneficiaries under the 2nd Call for Proposals of the IPA
Cross-Border Cooperation Programme North Macedonia – Albania 2014-2020 held in
Skopje, North Macedonia on 27-28 of February, 2020…

In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 2nd Call for Proposals, the last Training on the “Reporting and communication” for the GBs under the 2nd CfP under this CBC Programme was organized via online zoom platform on 23-25 November 2020 in cooperation with DEU in Skopje, both OSs and JTS/Antennae.

In view of the announcement of the 3rd CfP under this IPA II CBC Programme, a series of info day session and a press conference for the potential applicants of the 3rd CfP had been organized after the publication of the call via online during December 2020.

During December 2020 and January 2021, the Joint technical Secretariat for this IPA CBC Programme in cooperation with the OSs, organized two two-day Project Cycle Management (PCM) trainings named “How to prepare a successful project proposal under the 3rd CfP” as part of capacity building activities after the launching of the 3rd CfP.