In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 1st Call for Proposals, the last Training on the “Reporting and communication” for the GBs under the 1st CfP under this CBC Programme was organized at Hotel “Karpos”, in Skopje on 26th and 27th of November 2018 in cooperation with DEU in Skopje, both OSs and JTS/Antennae. The training materials have been developed and delivered by the CBIB+2 experts.
Some of the most important topics of the discussions during the training were as follows: General and Special Conditions with emphasis on provisions related to the reporting; Concept of a grant and key aspects of project management; Monitoring of project activities and budget control; Supporting documents, audit, horizontal issues (cover letter, template, chapters, indicators, table of contents, annexes); Preparation and contents of the narrative report; Visibility under CBC projects; Ensuring compliance with the requirements of Communication and Visibility Manual; Financial reporting within the grant contract; Eligibility of costs under CBC grant contracts; Practical exercises, etc. The participants held different discussions with, the EUD, CBIB+ and JTS experts /representatives. These training events were an excellent opportunity for the GBs to get familiarized with the process of project implementation. The training served to both partners in the project to further develop their knowledge in the implementation of the projects in compliance with the requirements of the call.