Training on the Reporting and communication for the GBs 1st call in Skopje on 26th and 27 November 2018

In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 1st Call for Proposals, the last Training on the “Reporting and communication” for the GBs under the 1st CfP under this CBC Programme was organized at Hotel “Karpos”, in Skopje on 26th and 27th of November 2018 in cooperation with DEU in Skopje, both OSs and JTS/Antennae. The training materials have been developed and delivered by the CBIB+2 experts.

Some of the most important topics of the discussions during the training were as follows: General and Special Conditions with emphasis on provisions related to the reporting; Concept of a grant and key aspects of project management; Monitoring of project activities and budget control; Supporting documents, audit, horizontal issues (cover letter, template, chapters, indicators, table of contents, annexes); Preparation and contents of the narrative report; Visibility under CBC projects; Ensuring compliance with the requirements of Communication and Visibility Manual; Financial reporting within the grant contract; Eligibility of costs under CBC grant contracts; Practical exercises, etc. The participants held different discussions with, the EUD, CBIB+ and JTS experts /representatives. These training events were an excellent opportunity for the GBs to get familiarized with the process of project implementation. The training served to both partners in the project to further develop their knowledge in the implementation of the projects in compliance with the requirements of the call.


“1st Coordination meeting among the Grant Beneficiaries” under the 1st Call for Proposals of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme MK-AL 2014-2020″.

In order to increase the capacities of grant   beneficiaries for managing their projects awarded under the 1st Call for Proposals, the “1st Coordination meeting among the GBs” had been organized and delivered by the EUD Skopje with the support of the JTS & Antennae, at hotel “DRIM” in Struga on 5th of June 2018.

The importance of IPA CBC project implementation and the collaboration between projects had been pointed out during the meeting. The EU Delegation brought together representatives from all the leading organizations and their partner, not only to share problems and challenges, but mainly to know each other better, to find ways to

collaborate and so the project would have a real impact in the cross-border Programme. The coordination between the projects was a key issue. Each of the leading organization introduced shortly the project objectives, target and activities. This was an opportunity for all the projects to get to know better each other in the way to find out the project’s similarities.

The following are some of the issues discussed among the participants: VAT disbursement in Albania; Sub granting procedures should be prepared well ahead; Public institutions facing problems on opening a dedicated account for the project, due to a long procedure, the project partners are having delays on the planned expenditures; Potential problems might occur for the validation of expenditures; Issues regarding the exchange rate EURO/ALL; Problems dealing with the procurement in public institutions on the Albanian side; The MOUs with the MoLSG for the co-financing part will be signed after the project implementation; the visibility of the projects, etc.

Contract Award Procedures under CBC grant contracts (PRAG 2016) for the Grant Beneficiaries under the 1st Call for Proposals of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme North Macedonia – Albania 2014-2020 held in Elbasan, Albania on 6 and 7 of February 2018

In order to increase the capacities of   grant   beneficiaries   for managing projects awarded under the 1st Call for Proposals, the training on “Contract Award Procedures under CBC grant contracts (PRAG 2016) had been organized at hotel “IMPERIAL” in Elbasan on 6 and 7 of February 2018, in cooperation with DEU in Skopje, both OSs and JTS (Antennae). The training materials have been developed and delivered by the CBIB+2 experts.

Some of the most important topics of the discussions during the training were as follows:

Discussions about the most frequent types of procurements under CBC grant contracts; Fundamental principles of procurement procedures: Contract award procedures-supplies (open procedure: steps, award criteria, documents, technical specifications, timeframe); Contract award procedures-services (competitive negotiated procedure: steps, award criteria, documents, terms of reference, timeframe); Contract award procedures-works (competitive negotiated procedure: steps, award criteria, documents, technical specifications, timeframe); Evaluation of tenders for supplies and works and services;

Practical exercises, etc according the Annex IV of grant contract (PRAG 2016.0).

The participants held different discussions with, the EUD, CBIB+ and JTS experts /representatives.

The training aimed to enhanced knowledge and practical skills of grant beneficiaries to implement their projects in line with the provisions of their CBC grant contracts. More specifically training results included:

  1. Improved knowledge of the training beneficiaries about the fundamental principles of procurement procedures under CBC grant contracts;
  2. Furthered knowledge on specific provisions related to procurement of supplies, works and services
  3. Enhanced practical skills for preparation, implementation and evaluation of tenders.

Grant beneficiraies training for Practical Management of CBC Projects and Monitoring System, 12 – 14 December 2017, hotel “Karpos”, Skopje, North Macedonia


It should be identified when the project is first designed and the indicators which are going to be used should be agreed among all project partners, in advance (participatory Approach). The information system for collecting, analyzing and reporting information about activities, outputs and outcomes are the core of the monitoring system. Project monitoring should be also relevant for: – Financial issues such as how much has been spent so far on project implementation, and how does expenditure
compare with the foreseen monitoring should be easily available from the project accounting system. – Providing a factual representation of what is happening in the project.” These were just a part of the topics that CBIB + team, successfully managed to clarify to the participants on this very useful training which all grant beneficiaries said that will use them extensively for monitoring purposes, but also for preparing clear, attractive, result-oriented reports with graphical presentation of project achievements.

Induction training for grant beneficiaries under the 1st Call for proposals 30.11.2017-01.12.2017, hotel “Drim” Struga, North Macedonia

In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 1st CfP, a two- day training session was organized in hotel “Drim” in Struga. Co-financing rules for IPA partners & VAT Procedures, General Implementation Rules, Basic Principles of the CBC project was just a part of the topics for the participants. Also, Grant Contract, Rules for implementation, reporting (Financial & Narrative) were discussed by the EUD and JTS representatives and participants. Audit verification report and examples, EU visibility, Secondary procurement and sub-granting and Modification to Grant Contracts accompanied with Monitoring, evaluation and control were the final stages of this training saved
for the last day. The training aimed to enhanced knowledge and practical skills of grant
beneficiaries to implement their projects in line with the provisions of their CBC grant contracts. More specifically training results included: Improved knowledge of the Fundamental rules and principles that govern the implementation of their grant contract; Increased capacities for successful day-to-day management of their grant contracts; Improved knowledge of the training beneficiaries about the fundamental principles of procurement procedures under CBC grant contracts; Enhanced practical skills for preparation, implementation and evaluation of tenders according Annex of grant contract; Besides grant beneficiaries of the IPA CBC programme 2014-2020, the training was attended by the representatives of Delegation of the European Union in Skopje.

Info Days and Partner search forums for Potential Applicants

In view of the announcement of the 1st CfP under this Programme, a series of info day session/partner search forums and a press conference for the PAs of the 1st CfP have been organized after the publication of the call in both countries during October 2016. The aim was to publicize this CfP, outlining the criteria and providing instructions on the application process and detailed information on the application package, especially the guidelines for applicants. A general interest was awakened and the potential applicants were stimulated to apply with their project proposals. The Delegation of the EU in Skopje with support of the both OSs as well as the JTS organized seven promotional and information events in the participating countries
(along with Press Conference in Skopje) on October 2016 in the municipal premises of both countries. The events were followed by representatives of municipalities, NGOs, educational and other institutions from both countries. The main objective of this activity was to increase the capacity of potential applicants to apply with quality projects under the 1st CfP of this programme.


Info session under the 1st CfP for the pre-selected applicants under IPA II CBC Programme was held on 20th of February 2017, in Struga.

The info session day for the pre-selected applicants’ main goal, was to provide detailed information to potential applicants, about the rules of the First Call for Proposals under the IPA 2 Cross- Border Cooperation Programme MK-AL 2014- 2020, namely detailed information on the Application Package, especially the Guidelines for Applicants. The representatives of both OSs, emphasized the importance of the info sessions and the IPA 2 CBC Programme in general. The rules and the characteristics of the call, allocations for call, eligibility criteria of the applicant, partnerships and eligibility of partners, rules related to co-financing etc, were the main topics of this event.

Capacity building activities (Workshops) for Potential Applicants (PA)

During October 2016, the Joint technical Secretariat for this IPA CBC Programme in cooperation with the OSs, organized two two-day Project Cycle Management (PCM) trainings named “How to prepare a successful project proposal under the 1st CfP” as part of capacity building activities after the launching of the 1st CfP. The main objective of this activity was to increase the capacity of potential applicants to apply with quality projects under the 1st CfP of this programme. During the trainings in Gostivar and Pogradec the participants had the opportunity to learn the Project Cycle Management basics through practical work, examples, group discussions and questions and answers. Additionally, through group exercises, participants have been trained to develop Logical Framework Matrix and to use that information in order to complete relevant parts of the Application Form.