On 01 December 2020, David Geer, Ambassador of the European Union in North Macedonia and Luigi Soreca, Ambassador of the European Union in Albania will officially launch the 3rd Call for Proposals for Cross Border Cooperation projects between North Macedonia and Albania. Goran Milevski, Minister of Local Self-Government of North Macedonia and Zef Mazi, Chief Negotiator/National IPA Coordinator of Republic of Albania will present the opportunities for funding that are available under this call to the municipalities from the cross-border area.
Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) is a key element of the EU policy towards its neighbours. Designed on the principles of the EU’s territorial cooperation model, CBC promotes cooperation between EU countries and neighbourhood countries sharing a land border or sea crossing. North Macedonia has a cross-border cooperation established with all 5 of its neighbouring countries. Up to date, 14 projects worth nearly €6 million were awarded during the IPA programming period 2014-2020 (IPA 2) under the CBC programme with Albania, alone.
Polog, Pelagonija and South-West regions of North Macedonia, and Korche, Diber and Elbasan on the Albanian part are eligible to apply under this 3rd Call for Proposals. Some €5 million are made available for projects with CBC elements of up to €800,000 each. They will encourage tourism while promoting the natural heritage, support local businesses and competitiveness, and help protect the environment. The IPA CBC programme is co-funded by the government.
The media are kindly invited to cover the event at 11:00
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