Grant beneficiraies training for Practical Management of CBC Projects and Monitoring System, 12 – 14 December 2017, hotel “Karpos”, Skopje, North Macedonia


It should be identified when the project is first designed and the indicators which are going to be used should be agreed among all project partners, in advance (participatory Approach). The information system for collecting, analyzing and reporting information about activities, outputs and outcomes are the core of the monitoring system. Project monitoring should be also relevant for: – Financial issues such as how much has been spent so far on project implementation, and how does expenditure
compare with the foreseen monitoring should be easily available from the project accounting system. – Providing a factual representation of what is happening in the project.” These were just a part of the topics that CBIB + team, successfully managed to clarify to the participants on this very useful training which all grant beneficiaries said that will use them extensively for monitoring purposes, but also for preparing clear, attractive, result-oriented reports with graphical presentation of project achievements.

Training plan for the grant beneficiaries: 1st Call for proposals IPA CBC Programme Republic of Macedonia – Republic of Albania 2014 -2020

Training plan for the grant beneficiaries: 1st Call for proposals IPA CBC Programme Republic of Macedonia  – Republic of Albania 2014 -2020

  • 1. EUD induction training 30.11.2017-01.12.2017 in Struga
  • 2. CBIB+ training on project management and monitoring of indicators –in the week of 11th of December 2017 in Skopje.
  • 3. CBIB+ training on procurement planned for mid-February/early March 2018 in Elbasan
  • 4. CBIB+ training on reporting and visibility- before June 2018, venue TBC

Training plan for the grant beneficiaries 1st Call for proposals pdf.pdf

Induction training for grant beneficiaries under the 1st Call for proposals 30.11.2017-01.12.2017, hotel “Drim” Struga, North Macedonia

In order to increase the capacities of grant beneficiaries for managing projects awarded under the 1st CfP, a two- day training session was organized in hotel “Drim” in Struga. Co-financing rules for IPA partners & VAT Procedures, General Implementation Rules, Basic Principles of the CBC project was just a part of the topics for the participants. Also, Grant Contract, Rules for implementation, reporting (Financial & Narrative) were discussed by the EUD and JTS representatives and participants. Audit verification report and examples, EU visibility, Secondary procurement and sub-granting and Modification to Grant Contracts accompanied with Monitoring, evaluation and control were the final stages of this training saved
for the last day. The training aimed to enhanced knowledge and practical skills of grant
beneficiaries to implement their projects in line with the provisions of their CBC grant contracts. More specifically training results included: Improved knowledge of the Fundamental rules and principles that govern the implementation of their grant contract; Increased capacities for successful day-to-day management of their grant contracts; Improved knowledge of the training beneficiaries about the fundamental principles of procurement procedures under CBC grant contracts; Enhanced practical skills for preparation, implementation and evaluation of tenders according Annex of grant contract; Besides grant beneficiaries of the IPA CBC programme 2014-2020, the training was attended by the representatives of Delegation of the European Union in Skopje.

Cross border crafts Fair

Тhe Ministry of Local Self-Government, Skopje, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, Tirana, the operational structures responsible for the implementation of this IPA Cross-Border Programme

5th Celebration of European Cooperation Day – IPA CBC MK – AL

The Ministry of Local Self-Government, Skopje, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration – Tirana, operational structures responsible for the implementation of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program, organized a Handicrafts Fair. The fair was held on November 10, at the Drim Hotel in Struga, as part of the 5th celebration of the European Territorial Cooperation Day (ETCD).

This fair, the first of its kind, which aroused exceptional interest among handicraft makers from both countries, was attended by guests from the eligible area covered by this program: Pelagonija, Polog and Southwest region, as well as the regions of Diber, Elbasan and Korca in the Republic Albania. At this celebration, participants, exhibitors and visitors had the opportunity to receive data and information about the current

Program for cross-border cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania 2014-2020 by representatives of the Ministry of Local Self-Government, the EU Delegation in Skopje and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Program based in Struga, and within the cultural and artistic part of the program students from the State Music School in Struga as well as the cultural and artistic societies “Ilinden” and “Rrezet e Strugës”.

The first 3 best video proposals from the Competition for the most creative short video on the topic: “5 reasons why I want to visit my neighboring country!” Were announced within this fair.

The competition, which was announced on September 28 and lasted until October 31, was related to short selfie videos (with a maximum duration of 60 seconds) where all interested participants could creatively state their 5 views (personal reasons) why they want to visit a neighboring country.

Cross border Crafts Fair
Competition for the most creative short video

Cross border crafts Fair

Cross border crafts Fair


Тhe Ministry of Local Self-Government, Skopje, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, Tirana, the operational structures responsible for the implementation of this IPA Cross-Border Programme, announces organization of the Cross border crafts Fair, 10 of November 2017 in hotel DRIM in Struga, as part of the 5th celebration of the European Territorial Cooperation Day (ETCD).

File: Cross border crafts Fair

Competition for the most creative short video

Competition for the most creative short video


The short videos competition (duration of maximum 60 seconds) starts on September 28, 2017 and will last until October 31, 2017. Interested participants, creating a selfie video should creatively indicate what аre their favorite 5 reasons (personal reasons) to visit their neighboring country. Citizens from one country who are interested in participating in the competition should state, which are their 5 reasons to visit the neighboring country. The awarding ceremony for the most creative video proposals (First, Second and Third prize) will take place on 10 November, 2017 in Struga within the event of the “Joint Handcrafting Fair”.

File: Competition for the most creative short video

Announcement for engagement of accessors – IPA CBC MK-AL 2014-2020

The Ministry of Local Self-Government responsible for implementation of the IPA cross-border cooperation programme with Albania, is in process of preparation of the 1st Call for proposals of the IPA cross-border cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Therefore it announces a call for interest for for submission of applications for assessors to assess the applications that will be submitted under the 1st Call for Proposals for the IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020.

The interested parties, may find here the Terms of Reference with the required profiles.

Deadline for application: 5th of June, at 16:00 am local time. Only those applications which will arrive by the closing date and time to this announcement will be considered for review.

Documents can be delivered by post to the following address:

Ministry of local self government

Street “St. Kiril and Metodij”, no.54, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

To: Arsim Fidani; marking on the outside of the envelope the position to which the application refers.

Info Days and Partner search forums for Potential Applicants

In view of the announcement of the 1st CfP under this Programme, a series of info day session/partner search forums and a press conference for the PAs of the 1st CfP have been organized after the publication of the call in both countries during October 2016. The aim was to publicize this CfP, outlining the criteria and providing instructions on the application process and detailed information on the application package, especially the guidelines for applicants. A general interest was awakened and the potential applicants were stimulated to apply with their project proposals. The Delegation of the EU in Skopje with support of the both OSs as well as the JTS organized seven promotional and information events in the participating countries
(along with Press Conference in Skopje) on October 2016 in the municipal premises of both countries. The events were followed by representatives of municipalities, NGOs, educational and other institutions from both countries. The main objective of this activity was to increase the capacity of potential applicants to apply with quality projects under the 1st CfP of this programme.


Info session under the 1st CfP for the pre-selected applicants under IPA II CBC Programme was held on 20th of February 2017, in Struga.

The info session day for the pre-selected applicants’ main goal, was to provide detailed information to potential applicants, about the rules of the First Call for Proposals under the IPA 2 Cross- Border Cooperation Programme MK-AL 2014- 2020, namely detailed information on the Application Package, especially the Guidelines for Applicants. The representatives of both OSs, emphasized the importance of the info sessions and the IPA 2 CBC Programme in general. The rules and the characteristics of the call, allocations for call, eligibility criteria of the applicant, partnerships and eligibility of partners, rules related to co-financing etc, were the main topics of this event.

Capacity building activities (Workshops) for Potential Applicants (PA)

During October 2016, the Joint technical Secretariat for this IPA CBC Programme in cooperation with the OSs, organized two two-day Project Cycle Management (PCM) trainings named “How to prepare a successful project proposal under the 1st CfP” as part of capacity building activities after the launching of the 1st CfP. The main objective of this activity was to increase the capacity of potential applicants to apply with quality projects under the 1st CfP of this programme. During the trainings in Gostivar and Pogradec the participants had the opportunity to learn the Project Cycle Management basics through practical work, examples, group discussions and questions and answers. Additionally, through group exercises, participants have been trained to develop Logical Framework Matrix and to use that information in order to complete relevant parts of the Application Form.