Contracting Authority (CA)

The contracting authority for the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme North Macedonia-Albania 2014-2020 is the Delegation of the European Union to North Macedonia.

Operating Structures (OSs)

The Operating Structures of this CBC Programme are the “Ministry of Local Self Government” in North Macedonia and the “State Agency for Strategic Programming and Assistance Coordination” (SASPAC) in Albania. Both OSs are in charge for implementation of this CBC programme as well as for the coordination and implementation of all IPA CBC programmes in which both countries participate. The OSs ensures the quality of implementation of the CBC programme and carry out monitoring of the programme by reference to indicators and review the progress made toward the achievement of the specific objectives and targets set up in the Programme per thematic priorities. OSs support a work of JMC and provide it with the information required to carry out its tasks. OSs set up the JTS office to support their and JMC work. With the assistance of the JTS prepares annual work plans and annual and final reports of the Programme with information on the progress made in implementing the thematic priorities, specific objectives, problems encountered in implementation, the use made of TA as well as prepare and implement JMC decisions.

The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS)

The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) is the administrative body responsible for day-to-day management of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme. The JTS is assisting potential applicants in partner search, building their capacities in preparation successful applications (i.e. organizing Info session and Partner search forums, organizing Project Cycle Management trainings), organizes training for grant beneficiaries, monitor and support implementation of their projects, perform information campaigns and other activities aimed at raising public awareness on the CBC programme. Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) support work of OSs and JMC, provide them with the information required to carry out their tasks, through its secretariat role, and prepare and implement OSs and JMC decisions. The main office of the JTS is located in Struga, while the Antenna is located in Elbasan.

Project Steering Committee (PSC)

Project Steering Committee supervises the implementation of the TA service contract, including monitoring the progress of the projects’ activities, ensuring overall coordination of project implementation and assessing the quality of the project outputs. Cooperation with the PSC members and their feedback will provide direction and technical guidance for the implementation of the project and will secure proper coordination between involved stakeholders. The PSC is composed of representatives of the OSs, CA and JTS in the role of secretariat.

Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC)

The Joint Monitoring Committee is settled up by the participating countries and is composed by relevant CBC bodies, representatives of the participating countries (national and local authorities), including OSs reperesentatives, who have an equal status in the JMC and the Delegation of the EU in an advisory capacity. The EU commission participates in the work of JMC in an advisory capacity The JMC reviews the progress made in relation to achieving the specific objectives, expected results and targets per thematic priority as set out in the cross-border cooperation programme, on the basis of the information provided by the operating structures of the participating countries. The JMC is responsible for identifying the thematic priorities, specific objectives, target beneficiaries and specific focus of each call for proposals and examine and provide an advisory opinion on the list of operations selected through calls for proposals before the grant award decision. The JMC also examine and approve annual work plan, the communication and visibility plan, annual and final reports on implementation ect.